


I had thought I was a hopeless case for marriage. Hellen showed me I can break through the limitations I have imposed on myself. I feel a surge of new energy to confront the future. — J. S. Sales Executive


— J. S. 業務人員

I wish I have attended this class many years ago. I see what I was missing in my past relationships. I highly recommend the love seminar for those who want a happy lasting relationship. — N. B Consultant


— N. B顧問


When Hellen spoke about the biggest mistake women make in a relationship, I knew this mistake has created lots of hardship in my current relationship. Thanks to Hellen, I now know how to create more love and happiness with my partner! — J. C Business Owner


— J. C老板

After I have retired, I have become too lazy to socialize and meet people. Hellen woke me up to the fact I was not living life anymore. Ilike to make myself more attractive and seek love! —  E. H Retired Bank Manager

退休之後,我變得非常不想跟人來往。陳顧問大力的提醒我,我根本沒有在〝生活〞。我決定讓自己更有魅力,也決定努力去尋找第二春!–  E. H 退休銀行經理



I have read many books and attended seminars on the subject of love. I did not think I would learn anything from this seminar. Boy, am I surprised! I cannot wait to go and use the techniques learned here towards my search for my soul mate! — A. A Fashion Designer


— A. A服裝設計師

After marriage and with the birth of a son, my husband and I drifted apart. This seminar taught me the importance of keeping up the passion in a marriage. Thanks Hellen! You gave me a very clear road I could travel on — a road of self-betterment and thus happiness! — V. F Secretary 結了婚,生了小孩之後,我和老公關係變得越來越疏遠。這個講座告訴我在婚姻中保持熱情的重要性。感謝陳顧問!你給了我一條明確的道路,一條讓自己更好也更快樂的道路。

— V. F秘書



I used to think that marriage is simply being together and try to get along with each other from day to day. I have never thought about building a future together. I know my next marriage will be very different because of what I learn today — Y. C Marketing Executive


— Y. C 業務經理